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Lifestyle/On the Street

플랫폼에서의 회상 - Life’s like


“기차를 타고 뒤를 돌아보면 굽이 굽이져 있는데,
타고 갈 때는 직진이라고밖에 생각 안 하잖아요.
저도 반듯하게 살아왔다고 생각했는데,
뒤돌아보면 굽이져있고 그게 인생인 거 같죠”
-다큐 3일


"When we're on a train and look back, the tracks twist and turn,
but when we're on it, you only think about moving forward.
I thought I’m being a straightforward person like on the train,
but looking back, it seems to be filled with twists and turns, and that's the life."